Julia Kasper – Te Papa Entomologist.
The 109 year moths project describes both the transcription of George Hudson’s diaries on insects, but also, the follow up using “citizen scientists” (the public) to see what moths are still around. Julia is the Insect Curator at Te Papa specialised on flies. Before, she has worked in the biosecurity area for the Ministry of Health.
She studies the taxonomy and distribution of lower Diptera in New Zealand and the Pacific Islands with a strong focus on biosecurity. With her background of medical and forensic entomology she also investigates odor-host recognition of flies using chemical ecological methods.
Julia has studied at the Humboldt-University Berlin and was a member of the Museum of Natural History, Berlin for 15 years where she maintained collections of multiple insect groups and led undergraduate and graduate student courses in zoology, entomology and parasitology for the Humboldt University.
As a Forensic Entomologist in Germany and New Zealand, she sampled in hospitals and provided reports for forensic pathologists, the Police and the Ministry of Justice.
Julia has a strong interest in outreach and teaching especially on topics such as biosecurity, medical entomology, olfactory physiology and freshwater ecology.
- Our Lecture takes place in our Robin’s Nest building at Ngā Manu, 74 Ngā Manu Reserve Rd, Waikanae.
- Entry is by paper koha on the door.
- Please arrive at 3:30 pm for tea & biscuits and to take your seat.
- The Lecture will start promptly at 4 pm and finishes at 5 pm