Kath Dickinson – Professor of Botany at Otago University.
(Te Apārangi Sponsored Speaker)
Kath has broad knowledge of plants, vertebrates and invertebrates, how they interact with one another, and their associated habitats, and the interactions of humans with nature. She has a particular interest in mountain environments, but is fascinated by other systems too. Kath will speak about people’s perceptions of ecology and discuss her ideas that thinking ecologically is a mindset that involves knowledge of our place in the world, what happens around us and our connections with all living organisms.
- Our Lecture takes place in our Robin’s Nest building at Ngā Manu, 74 Ngā Manu Reserve Rd, Waikanae.
- Entry is by paper koha on the door
- Please arrive at 3:30 pm for tea & biscuits and to take your seat.
- The Lecture will start promptly at 4 pm and finishes at 5 pm.